Photo of mannequin in store window
Photo of old car parked on street
Photo of valet parking underground with subtle lighting
Photo of fire escape with sunlight hitting the windows on high rise building

The purpose of this project is both to look to quiet moments that might otherwise be overlooked for a sense of satisfaction through completion as well as a human connection through the use of architecture interacting with additional elements. Through the use of the basic concept of the Decisive Moment, that is a moment when the photographer captures the world at a point when everything seems to fall into place, there is a sense of completion. These complete scenarios offer a seemingly predictable image, which brings satisfaction and peace to the viewer. Furthermore, the cityscape in these images is presented in such a way that there is evidence of human presence without any figures present in the frame. Oftentimes urban areas are characterized as inhabiting some of the loneliest people as everyone moves about in their own bubble. The subtle aspects of sunlight, a cracked window, a single parked car, or lights glowing in a dark space give the architecture a sense of life, replacing what could be an otherwise seemingly empty space. Additionally, the timelessness of these images helps make the photos more engaging to a wider audience. The hope would be that viewers feel encouraged to look to their own familiar environments and seek a new sense of interest and connection.

Using Format